Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #2 | Frozen Tides by Morgan Rhodes

Frozen Tides

Falling Kingdoms, Book 4

by Morgan Rhodes
Website | Twitter | Goodreads

Publication Date: December 15, 2015
Publisher: Razorbill
ISBN: 9781595147073

Available for pre-order:
Amazon | Book Depository

**PLEASE READ: This synopsis is for BOOK 4 in a series & may contain spoilers for previous books.**

Rebels, royals, and monsters wage war over the Mytican throne in the shocking fourth book of the Falling Kingdoms series, from New York Times bestselling author Morgan Rhodes.
CLEO: Reeling after a bloody showdown in Limeros ending with Amara’s abduction of the water crystal, and a vacancy in the Mytican throne, Princess Cleo must cast aside her feelings and look toward her kingdom with the eyes of a Queen.
MAGNUS: With the kingdom in chaos, Princess Lucia still missing and quite possibly in danger, and a shocking realization about Cleo, the steely prince is once again torn between love and duty, leaving him wondering whether he’s strong enough to rule his people.
LUCIA: The young sorcercess has had her vengeance after the cruel death of her first and only love. Heartbroken and unable to trust anyone, she allies with the awoken Fire god, who also seeks revenge.
JONAS: After escaping death by the skin of his teeth, the defeated rebel—along with a mysterious stranger–leader reunites with Princess Cleo, only to find himself a mere pawn in a dangerous hunt for the elusive Kindred.
KING GAIUS: Abandoned by Melenia and betrayed by his own children, Gaius flees Mytica and sails to Kraeshia, where he attempts to ally with the famously brutal emperor across the Silver Sea.

Falling Kingdoms is a series that is the epitemy of YA fantasy.
It is fun and alluring, full of shocking twists and turns.
I read books 1-3 earlier this year as well as book 1 in the spin-off series.
I am HIGHLY anticipating this new book because I think it will offer new and exciting adventures and places we haven't yet been in the FK world.

What are you waiting on this Wednesday? 

*Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by Breaking the Spine.


  1. I am so intrigued by Falling Kingdoms! I really want to read it, probably early 2016, because everyone that's read it seems to love it.
    -Monica @ Tomes Project

    1. I think the books are such a great adventure. FK series is definitely character driven. I hope you enjoy them! :D

  2. I have read the first in the spin-off series and loved it, but have still never started this series. Maybe I need to remedy that soon. I only hear great things about it and I really like Rhodes' writing style.


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